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Fall Tokens

Creating Healthy Holiday
Drinking Boundaries


Relief .png

Join me for a FREE 45 Minute Live Class

Monday, November 22 @ 9:00am PST 
(11:00am CST, 12:00pm EST)

Don't worry if you can't make it to the live class, I'll send you a replay that you can access for a limited amount of time. 

Ask yourself this:


If the holidays weren't about consuming and over indulging, what would I want them to be about?


I get where you're at... you are probably doubting if you should make a commitment to take a break or drink less because of the time of year it is right now.


You can turn this time of the year, the "Holidays", into a season of NOT OVERDOING IT!


This will be a season of creating and designing a new you.


Wouldn't that be an amazing present to give to yourself?


You might be imagining all of the "no's" you will have to say and that seems so not festive and dreary. If you think of it in that way, a season of "no's" would confirm what your brain is resisting and scared of doing.


It can actually be a season of "YES's"!


Yes to:

  • waking up feeling proud

  • putting down the glass and not over doing it

  • more walks and exercise because you have energy

  • quality time with family and loved ones... conversations and memories you'll remember

  • not eating too much because your decision making is not altered by boozy temptations

  • not over shopping because you're making conscious decisions


YES, you can have a holiday season where you don't overindulge.


Join me and learn:


-> Simple tools to say "no", or put down the drink without feeling deprived.

-> The reason you think you need to drink to get through the holiday hustle.

-> Why focusing on saying "I can't drink" is keeping you stuck.


Don't wait until January to reign it all in.


Don't believe the thought, things will be different next year, when things can actually be different starting today!


See you soon -



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