Your personal development is a journey and I'm excited to guide you through it.
Read the welcome note and then... let's get started!
This is a time to be excited about the changes that you're making. Look forward to the work that will be done.
If you take on the mindset that the next 12 months are going to be miserable, then they will be.
Don't think about what you're missing out on or losing, think about what you are gaining.
Create a mindset that this is going to be exciting because you're going to get to know a new part of yourself. You are going to have growth in your life. Be excited for the person you're going to become!
Access to your membership will occur once your payment has been processed and you've signed your contract. Sign your contract HERE.
You will find the Weekdays Without Wine program on a members only website site. This requires a log in. Go to the Weekdays Without Wine program website HERE. Retain log in name and password for future use.
Please complete the intake form HERE. This is a form for me to learn where you are at today with your relationship with alcohol and where you want to be.
If you purchased the PREMIUM plan or received the free onboarding coaching sessions, please make your 1:1 coaching appointments A.S.A.P. Booking more than one at a time keeps you accountable, on track, motivated, and it's helpful for me. Schedule HERE.
Watch/review the 4 part mini program Weekdays Without Wine before you begin anything else to learn the foundational tools to the Bootcamp program. I will review these tools in our first one-on-one session to make sure you understand them. Disregard the invitation to schedule a free discovery call... you're already enrolled in the program.
Purchase your own journal for the daily homework. Or create a binder to keep all of your work in one place.
Thoughts to Think- Print this PDF and post it where you can see it and read it everyday.
Lastly, check your email for an email from Chopra Meditation Center. It has the code for your free gift of the 21 Day Meditation: Gratitude should arrive within 24-48 hours.
What happens next?
You'll receive the first of the program emails that will continue for the first eight weeks. They contain a lesson and some homework. Although you have access to all of the worksheets, please do only the worksheets assigned.
If you purchased the PREMIUM membership or received the bonus of an onboarding call, you'll receive a Zoom call link after you make your first appointment on my online scheduler. Retain that email because we will use the link for each weekly meeting. Please connect to the call a few minutes before to make sure your microphone and camera are set up on your computer. These calls are important, so make sure you don't have any distractions. Close all other tabs on your computer and turn your phone off or on airplane mode.
Commitment is key to your success. The clients that have the best results are the ones who commit to doing the daily work. The effort you put in will determine your results.
👉🏻 Important Don't use this first day to be an excuse to go all out and drink more than you normally would because you feel "deprivation" looming. Deprivation mentality can lead to bingeing. Use today as a time to get excited, to meditate, to think of your goals both presently and for the future.
See you soon,