Promise RIGHT NOW...
There is no upside to beating yourself up. NONE, Nada!
The best thing you can do for yourself is to use Thanksgiving as a day to uncover the details of your drinking habit. Use curiosity, not judgement!
You need to be a detective and go over the "crime scene" with a fine tooth comb.
No stone should be left unturned.
Don't think your way through this. Write it down. You owe it to yourself to do so.
What was your day like?
What did you think about when you woke up?
What were the circumstances of the day?
What were the cues that gave you permission to drink?
Did someone say something that triggered an urge?
Did you want to take your fun to the next level?
Was everyone else drinking and you didn't want to feel left out?
Did you not want to be questioned if you decided to say no to a drink?
Were you feeling anxious?
Were you depressed because you were missing a loved one?
What were your thoughts that made you decide to have a drink? Write everyone of them down.
Tell yourself nothing has gone wrong. Your brain is working exactly as it was designed to.
that your drinking more than you plan to or want to...
That gave me hope when I learned that.
There is hope. There is an answer.
I'll teach you the tools to help you cut back permanently.
Help is a phone call away.
Each journey starts with one small step. It's time to take that step.
✅ P.S. Need a simple to follow step-by-step process to drink less? Check out my signature programs HERE.